Litmus Arts

A testing ground for artistic expression of the natural sciences.

About Litmus Arts

Litmus Arts is a multi-disciplinary arts practice delivering science outreach and arts engagement workshops and programmes for young people.

We teach young audiences about science and nature in a lively way while encouraging them to express themselves and their ideas through the Arts.

We are open to any art medium which acts as a vehicle to introduce young people to the ideas of creative science innovation and ecological and social sustainability.

We aim to present captivating scientific ideas and encourage young people to think critically about challenges and be creative in designing solutions.

We introduce young people to the fun of spending time with nature and developing an understanding of it’s important role in our lives as well as how our actions can effect it.

Our workshops and programmes are for everyone and we aim to use inclusive methods of engagement and employ techniques which acknowledge the wide variety of learning styles.


Take a look through some of our previous workshops and projects including
Architecture classes, Biodiversity activities and Natural Colour research.

Get in Touch

Litmus Arts works with organisations, school or community groups and local authorities to deliver workshops and educational programmes as well as individuals, collaborators and anyone who is interested in developing artistic works in the areas of Art, Science and Nature.

If you would like to inquire about our work or discuss running a creative education programme for your group, just send us a message!